
Monday, February 18, 2013

What is Happiness?

What is happiness? People claim that many different things lead to happiness. Things like love, serving others, money (in some cases), human interaction, etc...Everyone's definition for happy is different. Definitions may contain similar aspects but we each have our own individualized insecurities and weaknesses that by overcoming them, we feel a sense of happiness and joy. Some believe happiness to be a "genetic trait" that some have more of than others. I'm here to debunk that myth. To prove that regardless of any natural state, or "genetic predisposition" EVERYONE can be happy.

I am a happy person, but I'm embarking on a journey to becoming even happier.


I had a thought the other day: How do I want my children to behave? What characteristics do I want them to possess? I sure know that I want them to be better people than I am given my current state--but how do I teach them to do that? By striving to achieve these qualities myself. By becoming the type of person and woman that can teach my children through example, and not in a "do as I say, not as I do" type matter.

There are 2 hebrew roots to the word happy:
Shalah and 'ashar: tranquil, secure, to be straight, figuratively to go forward, be honest, prosper.
It's time for me to move forward--if you want something to change, you have to change something. So that's why I'm here--not only to better myself but in hopes that I can potentially help someone else along the way.